Video: Glencore International AG

Rohstoff, Verarbeitung, Veredelung, Transport, Lagerung, Lieferung von Metallen und Mineralien

Glencore, headquartered in Baar, Switzerland, is one of the world's leading integrated producers and marketers of commodities. Glencore has worldwide activities in the production, sourcing, processing, refining, transporting, storage, financing and supply of metals and minerals, energy products and agricultural products. We strive to be a reliable and competitive partner in the markets in which we operate, and we aim to support our customers and suppliers at each stage of their expansion and development.

Our customers around the world are active in a wide range of industries, such as automotive, oil, power generation, steel production and food processing. They rely upon our established global network for the supply of metals and minerals, energy products and agricultural products.

These commodities either originate from Glencore's own production assets or are sourced from third parties.

Glencore also provides financing, logistics and other supply chain services to producers and consumers of commodities.

Over 2,700 people work in Glencore’s marketing operations, while Glencore’s industrial operations directly or indirectly employ over 54,800 people in 30 countries.

Glencore International AG im Branchenbuch

Quelle: / Glencore

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